Embrace The Mess
If you’re like me, you like things neat and organized. I have always been a bit of a neat freak, especially when it comes to my home. I don’t like to leave the house if it isn’t clean, and there’s nothing quite like coming home from a vacation to a clean house! Our home was pretty much clean, organized, and tidy most of the time until a little less than two years ago. Just a couple weeks before our first child was born, I had serious nesting kick in – when you have a desire to hardcore clean and organize every square inch of your home before the baby arrives. Our house was spotless just before we brought Hananyah home. And then right after we brought him home, it was like I did nothing to the house!
Fast forward to almost two years later. We now have two children, and it has been nearly impossible to keep up with the house the way I used to and would like to. As someone who is a little obsessive compulsive about neatness, it has been a great challenge to accept the fact that my house will never be the same for a very long time, especially considering the fact that we have two boys and want at least one more child.
There are times I want to just tackle my house and go all out cleaning, but with two children under two, it’s not possible. I am able to clean a bit here and there during the day while watching my children, but it’s only if I manage to get both of them to sleep at the same time for a nap and at night after bedtime that I can really get things done. That doesn’t leave much time, especially when my own energy is super low by the end of the day. I am trying to remember that this season we find ourselves in will go by very quickly. The house will still be here, and I can only do my best to keep it as tidy as I can. But my children will not always be little. Every stage is so special, and they grow so fast. I don’t want to miss it. I don’t want to put housecleaning before being with my little boys.
Life is a bit messy, disorganized, and chaotic now, but tis the season! There couldn’t be a better crazy. Why is my house not as organized as it once was? Because my boys are my priority. Spending time with them matters more and I want to absorb all of the cuteness, all of the love, and all of the special moments that come with this age- this precious age where they need Mommy. One day they will be independent and not need me like they do now. Motherhood is the greatest gift. There is nothing like it. And the thing is, your house will not be as organized and neat, but you realize that it’s entirely worth it because of the reason. Embrace the mess, embrace the beauty of life.