The Ultimate Measure Of A Man
Martin Luther King said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” This quote was shared by a Navy Officer at this year’s 9/11 memorial service in my hometown, Middletown. Middletown lost more lives than any other town in New Jersey on that horrific day, 37 lives to be exact. As we remembered the 20th anniversary of the day our nation was attacked, among the many things that came back to memory were the stories of heroism- the men and women who put the needs of others before themselves. They forgot about their own lives, that others might live. The ultimate sacrifice. It’s what Yeshua did for us when He laid His life down so we could live. Indeed, in the midst of so much darkness on that sorrowful day, the heart of Yeshua was powerfully present.
The stories of these selfless men and women come back every year. The first victim of 9/11 was an ex-Israeli Special Forces Officer, Danny Lewin. He bravely tackled the terrorists on American Airlines Flight 11 and was fatally stabbed. Todd Beamer and others aboard United Flight 93 fought back, and though they tragically lost their lives, they managed to prevent the plane from most likely crashing into the Capitol or White House. Or there’s the “man in the red bandana.” This is how Welles Crowther came to be known, for the red bandana he was wearing over his nose and mouth when he
found people on the 78th floor sky lobby; he lead them to a stairway and ultimately to their safety. Welles made three trips to that same sky lobby until the South Tower collapsed, saving many but losing his own life. Our firefighters and police officers also ran towards the danger, as they do every day, and we tragically lost hundreds of these incredible first responders.
Each and every one of these heroic men and women came from different backgrounds. But they all had one thing in common. They gave the kind of love that Yeshua Himself described as the greatest kind there is. In John 15:13 Yeshua said, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Referring back to Dr. King’s quote, at a time of challenge and controversy, it was obvious where these heroic men and women stood. It is human nature to self-preserve. But the actions of people like Danny Lewin, Todd Beamer, Welles Crowther, and our firefighters and police officers are what make them stand out with the measure of the greatest courage imaginable.
It can be said that at times of challenge and controversy, there are three camps that people find themselves in. In the first camp people contribute to the challenge and controversy. In the second camp people are neutral, aiming to be problem-free. But in the third camp it is quite unique, and it is where we find our 9/11 heroes. It is the camp of selflessness. Sacrifice. The greatest love. Come what may and even if it costs their lives, these people rise up against the evil that surrounds. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” A great truth that has been weighing heavy on me over the past few days. May we as G-d’s people be found in the third camp.